Monday, April 14, 2008

Spicy Chicken Nugget

This week's post shall be short and sweet.
I'm pretty tired as darling hubby's car had broke-down and we had been taking the train back home with our little darling cutish monster..

I've used frozen chicken for this particular dish.
Hey, I'm just following the call of the recent campaign to opt for frozen food although I must say that only certain dishes I would opt for frozen.

Do note that frozen food once defrost cannot be refreeze okies?
You might get a really bad bout of tummy ache and throwing up if you mishandled your food.
  1. Chicken Drumsticks (deboned) x4
  2. Lime x1/2
  3. Salt x 1 1/2 tsp
  4. Tumeric Powder x1 tsp
  5. Coriander Powder x1 tsp
  6. Red Chilli Powder x1 tsp
  7. White Pepper x 1/2 tsp
  8. Potato Flour (for coating)


  1. Marinate chicken pieces with ingredients #2-7 for at least 2 hours (Tip: Use a plastic glove to avoid staining of the tumeric powder onto your beautifully manicured nails)
  2. Coat chicken before pan-fry or deep-fry whichever way you prefer
  3. Remove from wok when golden brown
  4. Serve it hot
Marinated chicken pieces

Chicken pieces coated with potato flour

Spicy Chicken Nuggets turning golden brown in the wok..
Er..excuse my 'black' looking wok

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