Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Chicken Karaage

Frankly speaking, this is my first trial at making this dish.
More then often I would find it to be rather convenient buying the ready-made 'frozen' pack.
However this time round, I'm going to be a little more adventurous and try making it from the start.

  1. Chicken Thigh x4
  2. Soyu x1 tbsp
  3. Japanese Cooking Wine x1 tbsp
  4. Mirin (Japanese cooking sweet wine) x1tsp
  5. Ginger Juice x1 tsp
  6. Garlic x2 Clove
  7. Pinch of Salt
  8. Pinch of Pepper
  9. Pinch of Black Pepper
  10. Egg White x1
  11. Japanese Potato Starch Powder
  12. Corn Starch x2 tbsp
  13. Lemon x2 slices

Ingredient as mentioned above
  1. Cut the chicken thighs up into small bite sizes
  2. Grate the ginger to get the juice
  3. Chop up the garlic
  4. Mix soyu, Japanese cooking wine, mirin, pepper, black pepper, ginger, garlic, salt together
  5. Put in the chicken and marinate
  6. Mix the egg white and corn starch and leave it marinate for like at least 30mins (I leave it for like 3-4 hours in the fridge)

Marination in progress


  1. Pour oil and heat wok
  2. Coat the chicken with potato starch (It makes the chicken rather crispy I say!)
  3. When the oil is not enough --> Test it by putting in a chopstick and when u see bubbles around the chopstick means temperature is ok
  4. Pan-fry the chicken until golden brown (Deep-fry if you like)
  5. Dish up the chicken and squeeze the lemon over the chicken if you like

And you are done!

Dip in sauce like the tonkatsu sauce which you can grab it readily in the supermarket if you like.

If you are wondering what brand to get, get the one with the bull-dog picture...

Otherwise just eat it plain!

Chicken Karaage

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